Crafted by Dietitan, Nutritionist and Orthopedic Specialist from Korea
What Our Clients Say

前阵子深蹲过多也没有注重姿势,搞得膝盖断续不适,后来就减少做深蹲了☹️ 现在都以走路来代步增加活动量,则没有这么疼痛🚶但依然不能忽视膝盖的健康 最近朋友推荐这款⭐️韩国的配方EzMove胶原蛋白肽⭐️专门舒缓关节不适!

真心推荐's Logo

真心推荐| Anonymous

I am taking glucosamine for my knee pain. I just tried EzMove collagen for 2 weeks for extra protection. It tastes really good, hope it makes my knee better.

Good for Knee's Logo

Good for Knee| Amir

I actually don’t have joint issues. I just wanted to take it for joint protection. Surprisingly, it tastes really good. I would say it's the best joint care product I have ever tasted.

Best Supplement Ever's Logo

Best Supplement Ever| Farith

I find this product is really helpful as I have been suffering from joint pain for a couple years. EzMove helps to recover my joint pain slowly but I see so much improvement lately after consuming it for a month.

Lucky to have this's Logo

Lucky to have this| Ng

Ever since I sprained my ankle from basketball a few years ago, there's always an minor ache on that particular spot. After consuming EzMove for a month, I felt improvement on my ankle, less pain in the morning and can move better.

What A Good Supplement!'s Logo

What A Good Supplement!| Paul

I do hiking every week, but my knees cannot catch up with my hobby, always in pain. Thinking to give EzMove a try, so very surprised my knee doesn't hurt anymore after just 1 week! It's like magic!

Surprisingly Useful!'s Logo

Surprisingly Useful!| Yan


Fun • Modern • Convenient

Our company embodies 'Fun', 'Modern', and 'Convenient' values, connecting with customers. Our distinctiveness lies in innovation, driven by a collaboration with a prestigious Korean Orthopedic Medical Centre - Good Orthopedics. Together, we deliver exceptional products and services for an elevated experience and well-being.